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Disability & Access Center

The Testing Process: Step by Step

Register for Test

  1. The instructor and student determine the appropriate implementation of testing accommodations.
    1. To encourage a seamless testing experience, the DAC recommends that students test with instructors; however if this is not a possibility, the DAC is available to proctor exams/quizzes.
  2. Registered student should schedule an exam/quiz. Student will receive an e-mail approving or denying the exam request.
    1. If the request is in violation of our policy (ex: Less than three business days notice) the exam will be denied and the student will need to submit a new request and speak with their instructor.
  3. The instructor will receive an email stating whether the exam request was approved or denied. If the exam was approved, the instructor will receive an exam request containing the form to submit an exam receipt, which gives the DAC instructions on how to proctor the exam. (This includes length of exam, materials allowed/not allowed, and how to return the exam when completed.)
    1. An instructor who has concerns with the notification (ex. student taking it at a different time with no approval, dispute over an accommodation, etc.) should contact the DAC as soon as possible.
    2. If the instructor does not provide instructions, provides incomplete instructions, or does not send the exam/quiz, the DAC will use the following policy — see Default Test Process Instructions.

Day of Testing

  1. As each student comes in to take his/her scheduled exam/quiz, DAC personnel will review the faculty testing instructions. All other items that are not approved by the instructor or part of a student’s accommodations will be secured by the DAC, and the student(s) will be escorted to the appropriate room(s).
  2. Use of Video Cameras in the Testing Center

    The cameras will be our primary way of monitoring registered students.
    1. The cameras will feed audio and video to DAC personnel computer monitors.
    2. Each camera will focus on a student.
    3. DAC personnel will monitor the halls and report to the office if assistance is needed
    4. If academic dishonesty occurs, the video will be made available to the instructor to verify. An instructor may request the video from the DAC for any reason.
    5. Each video recording will be held for 25 days after it was created. If you have concerns about an exam/quiz, please notify the DAC as soon as possible.

      When the volume of exams/quizzes exceeds the availability within the Testing Center (ex. Finals, midterms, etc.) students may have exams/quizzes administered in rooms without video cameras. A proctor from the DAC will administer the exam/quiz should the room be incapable of video monitoring. In the case of a student requiring a scribe or reader, the student will have the opportunity to voice record the session. This recording will be held for 25 days after it was created.
  3. When the exam/quiz is completed, the student will need to stand up at their assigned desk and wait for a testing coordinator to enter the room. The testing coordinator will than take the exam and escort the student to the lockers to collect their belongings. The exam/quiz will be checked, placed in an envelope which is than sealed, stamped, and taped. The DAC will than returned the exam to the Professor per the instructions.

    Exams/Quizzes that were not delivered to the department (end of the business day or unable to get an appropriate signature) or are to be picked up are housed in a secure location.

Additional Points of Emphasis

  • Security
    • All workers sign an agreement stating they will maintain the confidentiality of all DAC activities.
    • Any exams/quizzes sent electronically to DAC are handled by a testing coordinator or higher. When an exam/quiz is physically delivered, a student worker may take it and will immediately give it to a testing coordinator.
    • Please refrain from sending exams/quizzes through campus mail. Only the DAC and the instructor should have access to the exam/quiz and using campus mail adds another entity. Because the DAC does not want the exam/quiz lost in the mail or sent to the wrong department, please email, fax, or hand-deliver any exams/quizzes.
  • Accommodation Process
    • The process consists of a student requesting an accommodation letter, the instructor receives the accommodation letter through email from DAC, and a discussion between the student and the instructor to determine the best ways to implement the listed accommodations.
    • Instructors who are unable to provide testing accommodations may ask that registered students use the DAC. Students who choose not to schedule an exam/quiz with the DAC may take the exam/quiz with the class. The instructor can, but is not obligated to, provide testing accommodations in this instance.
  • Miscellaneous
    • We cannot send or receive correspondence via D2L. Please do not try to contact the DAC through D2L.
    • When a student is given less than three (3) business days’ notice of an exam/quiz (ex. pop quizzes), the DAC will be unable to administer the exam/quiz. The student is still eligible to receive all accommodations.
    • The DAC understands that students may have courses where the instructor has an exam/quiz that is immediately followed by lecture. For example, the class may test for half of the class time and then have lecture for the other half. In this situation, a student with extended time would need to schedule earlier than the class so that they may receive their time and still attend the lecture. However, if the instructor gives the student permission, the student may schedule at a different time and simply show up for the lecture.
    • Online exams/quizzes are treated the same as on-campus exams/quizzes. Instructors who have any concerns regarding adjusting exam/quiz times or any other accommodations may contact the DAC or the Center for Teaching & Technologies for assistance. Students who schedule online exams/quizzes are encouraged to schedule within business hours when possible.
    • When an exam/quiz is cancelled because of inclement weather that causes the university to delay opening or closes, the following may occur:
      • When exams/quizzes must be rescheduled because of a university closing/delay, the DAC will contact affected students to inform them that they need to contact their instructors to find out when to reschedule exams/quizzes. The DAC will be as flexible as possible.

Follow Us!

The Disability & Access Center is located in Keathley University Center, room 107.  You can contact us on our office phone at 615-898-2783, by email, or by fax at 615-898-4893.

The Disability & Access Center office hours are as follows:

Monday:  8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Tuesday:  8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Wednesday: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Thursday: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Friday:  8:00 am – 4:30 pm