Disability & Access Center
What is Glean?
Sonocent’s Glean is a comprehensive notetaking software that offers a plethora of helpful features. Beyond allowing you to capture and record audio notes, Glean offers additional features, such as capturing audio, text, and slides in a single note-taking workspace, creating a transcription of the audio, and allowing users to organize and categorize note sets so you can easily return to them.
Interested in Glean?
MTSU’s Disability & Access Center (DAC) and Adaptive Technology Center (ATC) are proud to offer this tool for free to eligible students. Eligible students are defined as students registered with the DAC who are approved for notetaking accommodations. If you meet this criteria and would like to use Glean, here’s how we can get you started:
- Send us an e-mail and let us know you are interested in using Glean.
- We will then verify your accommodations as appropriate for the use of Glean.
- Once verified, we will open up a license for you to use Glean and send you an invite.
- You will receive an e-mail directly from Sonocent (the company that makes Glean) which contains instructions on how to setup the software for your particular technology, as well as videos and information about using the program and its features. Here is a preview of the initial introduction e-mail you will receive:

How to Access Glean
On a computer, log into Glean via a Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser.
On a phone, download Glean Notes through the App Store (iPhone) or Play Store
Training and Features of Glean
Before getting started using Glean, we highly recommend you check out the short videos below, which explain how the software works and demonstrate some of the key features. You can also sign up for a free live tutorial .
Glean intro video #1:
Other Resources
Glean Skills Portal offers bite-sized how-to videos on various topics
Follow Us!
The Disability & Access Center is located in Keathley University Center, room 107. You can contact us on our office phone at 615-898-2783, by email, or by fax at 615-898-4893.
The Disability & Access Center office hours are as follows:
Monday: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Tuesday: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Wednesday: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Thursday: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Friday: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm